Friday, March 18, 2011

Fail Safe Technology

Nuclear accident? It could never happen here in the US. The rest of the world is full of morons, especially the Japanese...they've given us the Prius and the Sony Walkman.....
Our nuclear industry knows it all...our nuclear engineers are sure smart people...they've calculated everything, and they never make any mistakes.
This is like a Saturday Night Live skit! Who's in charge? Seems nobody has a clue. I wonder what PG&E's CEO's salary is going to be this year...I'm sure between the gas pipeline explosion in
San Bruno, and this, it will be reduced to a paltry $10 million???...what a bummer! But you have to pay high salaries to draw the best and brightest....lightbulbs?
And back in California...
"The CPUC said Thursday that its decision to cancel the scheduled April 13 hearing on the relicensing of Diablo Canyon was unrelated to the company’s gas pipeline pipeline problems and sloppy record-keeping.
Three-dimensional modeling of the impact of an earthquake on Diablo Canyon began two months ago, PG&E spokesman Kory Raftery said. He said that more advanced studies of the potential impact of an earthquake, requiring permits for underwater experiments, are also planned.
Those studies will be paid for with nearly $17 million in rate-payer funds and are expected to take three years, according to the California Energy Commission."
Sound like a tax hike to me. Maybe if the CEO and his cadre of VPs paid their fair share of taxes, that would cover it. But whoa...what would Newt say to that?
What about all those jobs?????????
What ever happened to the joke "you can trust me, I'm from the government!"
Sorry...I've got to stop all this...I can go on for hours and hours every day. I will try and limit my rantings to more significant newsworthy items. But today's reality is so absurd that it's just so much fun.....!

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