Saturday, November 18, 2023

I Rest My Case


I Rest My Case

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am thankful and grateful for so much, especially since in the past several weeks many events have affirmed the two major arguments that I have spent almost my entire life arguing!

The NuScale small modular reactor that was going to pave the way for another “revolution” in the nuclear industry is basically dead. This design, which has never been built or tested, that was supposed to be the savior of our energy needs in the future and solve the CO2 issue, has once again proven that the nuclear industry is a dead dinosaur, still wagging its pathetic tail. The small modular reactor was to be built in Idaho and the electricity transmitted to several utilities in Utah, which just backed out of the deal because the cost has almost doubled from what NuScale said it would be just a few years ago. Just like the “old” large technology, nuclear power is just way too expensive, is still technologically complex and dangerous, and most importantly, the issue of its various nuclear wastes remains unaddressed and kicked down the road for future generations to deal with. Of course, the industry will continue to suck at the trough for our dollars promising that everything will eventually be alright, and the world will eventually build a few of these SMRs, but not the thousands which would be required to make any dent in our energy needs, or because there are no other options. I’ve heard it all for the last 50 years...sorry it’s wrong. The big energy money will continue with this hoax because they make lots of money at...our money!

The other amazing news comes from General Electric, a company that used to build nuclear reactors and is now in the wind turbine business. They have partnered up with Duke Power, one of the largest utilities in the country and in the past a major opponent to renewables They will re-power a natural gas plant in Florida, using electricity from a large solar farm on already on site to produce hydrogen, which will then be stored and used in the reconfigured gas turbines to generate electricity during peak times, and when renewables are not available. How many time have I uttered this concept?!! It is the future, and I am thrilled to see two major corporations finally step up on this path forward. Hydrogen has become the major buzz word throughout the world, replacing the words “friendly atom!”

We’re off to the Bahamas in a few weeks, and I look forward to relaxing and not thinking about our energy future as I have always done! There are so many other things to think and worry about, but I have concluded that there is only so much I can do. About those issues. I am proud and grateful that I have always been on the right path, on the right side of history, and I’ve done what I can. Now, no one has to listen to my rants anymore. The future lies ahead! I rest my case!!!!!!!!!!!!

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