Monday, November 16, 2020




 In these trying and difficult days, I am uplifted by the move forward that our new administration will put forth with regards to some sort of Green Energy Plan to deal with climate change.  I am bolstered by the incredible development and deployment of so many renewable technologies that have been occurring worldwide.  With the release of the great ingenuity of the scientific, technical, and economic base here in the US, freed from the political chains of the past, the potential is enormous and positive.  It will take time, and it does not mean we will stop using fossil fuels.  They will continue to be a part of our transition and will hold appropriate use in the future. 

 The fear that this transition will be “too expensive” again hides the truth that we spend over $1.3trillion each year in the US, and this does not count the health, environmental, and social costs it incurs.  Investments in new renewable technology will begin to replace what we currently spend on infrastructure and subsidies.  It will create new industries…instead of building factories to make modular nuclear power plants, we need to build factories manufacturing solar PV cells, wind turbines, and all the associated infrastructure…here in the US creating so many jobs lost overseas.  The deployment of renewable technologies will bolster local economies with jobs and revenue.  It will create a huge new “industry” making money for everyone! There are so many very talented people, and people with money to invest, who are waiting for the incentives to put their great ideas and innovations to use.  This is happening all over the world, with the surprising largest projects occurring in Australia.  It is going to happen here!

 The nuclear industry continues to suck money for costly new technologies that will never make any huge impact on our energy needs.  They will continue to be too expensive, unsafe, environmentally damaging through the entire fuel cycle, and will be unnecessary by the time they reach commercialization.  As with fossil fuels, their use will play a role when/where it is most appropriate.

 My biggest thrill is in the “sudden” awareness in Hydrogen…especially GREEN HYDROGEN.  It is just common sense that this is the future, and now its economic potential is beginning to be realized by industry and policymakers.  In the future, I will focus on this, since its potential to STORE renewable energy is key to our sustainable future.


Let the sunshine!!!





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