Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August Climate Update

August Update

As I sit here on a cool foggy coastal afternoon, I'm reflecting on the extreme heat and ferocious fires raging not too far inland. One concern is the Carr fire is less than a mile from our friend's summer place out at Lewiston, and moving in their direction. Scary! But what is more discerning is the continued vehement denial by the few, that human induced global warming, or climate change, or whatever you want to call it, is not responsible. In spite of all the evidence, scientific, political, and economic, this contrived denial is proving to be the greatest “hoax” ever inflicted on humanity by a small handful of powerful and greedy people. Not to argue here, but the question that is never asked, and they never would answer is “what if man-induced climate change is true?” The economic, environmental, and social ramifications are enormous and almost overwhelming, not so much for us, but for future generations, because the extremes we are experiencing now will only get worse, leading to far greater devastation

Reading the news, we're seeing hundreds of fires across the US and Canada, as well as devastating fires in Greece, Sweden...all over the world. I just talked to a friend in British Columbia, and he is seeing drought, dryness, tree deaths from insect infestations...all sorts of worrisome issues. And yet the current powers and leaders blame the radical environmentalists...the easy prey, who have prevented logging and letting water run down our rivers to the ocean. Really?????

Watching the national news shows record-breaking flooding in Pennsylvania, and the whole east coast, as well as extreme climate phenomenon through-out the world. And yet, the fossil fuel interest continue to lie and spew their stupidity, greed, and disinformation. The $2billion they have spent over tall those years could have gone into a lot of positive solutions.

We will reach a point very soon, where the economic costs and social suffering overwhelm all of our budgets and infrastructure; and “we” finally begin to address the causes and solutions to the problem. It will be too late to stop the advancing changes we have already initiated, but we will be forced to begin to do things to mitigate future impacts.

As I always have said...we cannot destroy our environment. But we can change it to make human life more difficult, expensive, and miserable.

Enough said. I urge you to “PAY ATTENTION!!”
And again, I encourage you to watch “After the Warming” on Utube. This entertaining narrative visualizes the predictions made in the 1990 IPCC report. So far it is impressively pretty accurate.

PS: The Carr Fire has been contained on the west side, so it no longer is a direst threat our friends home! But again, it is only early August.

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